Keyboard shortcuts for python

 Keyboard Shortcuts for python....

Ctrl+T ≈ Create work area

Creates a tab in the work area of the Python Editor for the new script.

Ctrl+O =Load script.

Loads the selected script in the Python Editor work area.

Ctrl+(-)=Close script.

Closes the active script in the Python Editor work area.

Ctrl+S=Save active script.

Saves the active script.

Ctrl+F2 =Save new active script.

Saves the new active script.

F5 =Execute active script.

Executes code or a script, depending on whether a code is highlighted. If nothing is highlighted, it executes the active script in the Python Editor work area.

Ctrl+(=) ≈Add active script to scene.

Adds the active script to the scene. See the scene browser Scripts directory.

F10 =Display Python Tool Manager.

Displays the Python Tool Manager.

F1 = Trigger Python Editor context help.

Displays help related to current action.

Ctrl+F=Find code.

Finds the term specified in the interactive console’s text field.

Note: The search area is defined by the Search button toggle option ( , , or ).

F3 =Find subsequent code.

Finds the next instance of the term specified in the interactive console’s text field. Note: You need to first do a search (Ctrl+F).

Ctrl+H = Find and replace code.

Displays the Search and Replace dialog where you can either choose to find or find and replace text in the active script.

Ctrl+G = Go to line.

Activates the interactive console text field where you enter the line number you want to go to in the active script.

Alt+N =Go to next command.

In the interactive console, traverses history by entering the first command.

Alt+P = Go to previous command.

In the interactive console, traverses history by entering the previous command.

Tab =Indent text block.

Indents code block to be entered in the active script.

Alt+C = Comment selected code.

Comments selected code in the active script.

Alt+U =Uncomment selected code.

Uncomments selected code in the active script.

Ctrl+Space = Auto-complete entry.

Auto-completes the instantiated class.

I think of that it may be helpful to you....

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