
How to grow YouTube Channel

 How to grow  YouTube Channel... How to get views , like and subscribes.... To grow YouTube  three things are needed..... 1st Subscribers 2nd Like 3rd Views Increase your YouTube channel subscriber..... To increase YouTube channel subscriber Click here After clicking on the URL follow the following steps: 1) login with your email address 2) enter your YouTube channel name 3) then click on send subscriber button 4) and then 50 and more subscriber will send. 5) after completing the process of sends subscriber scroll down. 6) click on daily bonus 7) then get a daily bonus 8) daily you will get 20+ subscribers on your YouTube channel. 9) but daily you have to click on the above URL and click on send subscribers. After following all these steps you will get 50 + follower daily...... Increase views on your YouTube channel's video.... To increase your Views  Click Here After clicking on the above you are please follow this steps.... 1st Login with your email address.. 2nd t...

Looping in Python #part 1

 Looping in Python Part -1 .......................REAL CODERz.................... ...................................................................... Let's begin... ........................ Introduction ---------- What is python? Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation. Python is dynamically-typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured, object-oriented and functional programming. What is looping in python Looping means repeating something over and over until a particular condition is satisfied. A for loop in Python is a control flow statement that is used to repeatedly execute a group of statements as long as the condition is satisfied. ........................................................................... Till now all the statements are generally executed in a sequential manner. But at times, users need to change t...

How to increase Instgram Followers

  How to increase Instgram Followers in free Increase your Instagram followers in 10 Second.. About Instagram followers...... An Instagram follower is a user who follows your account and is able to see, like, and comment on any media you post to your profile. This includes Instagram posts, stories, reels, and IGTV........ How to increase Instgram Followers in free........ To increase your Instagram follower  Click here .... After clicking on the link follow these steps: 1. Login with your fake account. 2. Then, scroll down and click on submit ID to  get Instagram follower.. 3. Then type your ID 4. And then click on send follower.... FOLLOW US FOR MORE....... Real Coderz 

HTML - Information..... Part 1

 HTML Full Knowledge...   ............................................................................ ............................................................................ →WHAT IS HTML? HTML stand for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the most commonly used language for describing or writing a web page using ordinary text. Every web page is actually an HTML file with an extension .htm or .html. Using HTML you can create document ( Web pages ) which are to be displayed on the world wide web.  Hypertext refer to the way in which different web page (HTML document) are Linked together. The links available on the web page are called hypertext. HTML is a markup language which means that you use HTML to simply "mark up" text document with tag which tell the web browser how to display the text. It is not a programming language. It only tells the browser how to display the contents of hypertext document. Overtime, HTML has introduced many changes and variations in...

How to run and crate html code in Android

  Many of the student do not have a laptops and computers to do coding and study... So this is very important for these types of  student those who wanted to know how can we create and view/run HTML program in android....... To run HTML program so create html's programs in Android several companies have created various applications to run or create HTML programs ............... Sum of these applications are as follows :- 1.  anWriter HTML editor Url:-  Click here 2. Treb Edit Url:-  Click here 3. Html creator  Url:-  Click here And many more............. If you like this then  Follow us Thanks for visiting ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ May you visit again ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ Show your love  Share it with your friends and family...... Follow us on  INSTAGRAM

General Keyboard Shortcuts for your daily use....

Important 6 Useful keyboard shortcuts for beginners....  If you are facing problem in running your laptop computer very fastly and don't know the keyboard shortcuts to open applications, to do this types of work to close the window to open the window to maximize the window.....etc..... ....................................................................... So guys this post is very important for you today in this post I am going to tell you some very useful keyboard shortcut to you... Like this then share it with your friend and follow our blog...... ...................... ..............,....... To maximize the window Shortcut-  Window + upper arrow (↑) To minimise the window Shortcut- Window + lower arrow (↓) To cut the text  Shortcut- Ctrl + X To paste the text Shortcut- Ctrl + V To copy the text  Shortcut- Ctrl + C To open clipboard  Shortcut- Window + V I think of that it would be helpful to you..... If you like this and if it would be helpful to you then li...

Keyboard shortcuts for python

 Keyboard Shortcuts for python.... Ctrl+T ≈  Create work area C reates a tab in the work area of the Python Editor for the new script. Ctrl+O = Load script. Loads the selected script in the Python Editor work area. Ctrl+(-)= Close script. Closes the active script in the Python Editor work area. Ctrl+S=S ave active script. Saves the active script. Ctrl+F2 = Save new active script. Saves the new active script. F5 = Execute active script. Executes code or a script, depending on whether a code is highlighted. If nothing is highlighted, it executes the active script in the Python Editor work area. Ctrl+(=) ≈ Add active script to scene. Adds the active script to the scene. See the scene browser Scripts directory. F10 = Display Python Tool Manager. Displays the Python Tool Manager. F1 =  Trigger Python Editor context help. Displays help related to current action. Ctrl+F= Find code. Finds the term specified in the interactive console’s text field. Note : The search area is define...

Keyboard shortcut for HTML Editor

  HTML Editor keyboard shortcuts The HTML Editor has the following keyboard shortcuts. Shortcut Action Ctrl+A Select all Ctrl+B Set the selected text to bold Ctrl+F Open a Find dialog box you can use to search the editor’s content Alt+F1 Open Help on Field for the Web client Note : After closing the pop-up help of an HTML Editor field, you need to press Tab in Internet Explorer or Shift+Tab in Firefox to move the focus back to the text input area of the HTML Editor. Ctrl+H Open Help on Field in the Windows client Ctrl+I Set the selected text to italic Ctrl+U Set the selected text to underlined Ctrl+V Paste Ctrl+X Cut Ctrl+Y Redo Ctrl+Z Revert For More this type of information follow our web... You can also Subscribe our channel... YouTube channel Name - Real Android Coderz You can also share us the topics on which you want the the comment Or on my personal email id.. Other wise On my instagram Id #my Email.. Share this to your friend also... Thanx♥️❣️ Tim...

Codes for drawing Chrome logo in Python

 Python codes Welcoming you all in the blog of coding with dz Shivansh Sharma ....... So today we are going to make once again  python program....... In today's Python program we are going to create a Chrome logo..... Using turtles graphics............... Small Introduction of python.......... With some small Question and answers......... Question 1 :- What is  python ? Answer Python is a coding program used to create a communication between US and computer in a normal language this is the definition of python ....... .............. ............. ............. ... FOLLOW OUR BLOG AFTER FOLLOWING FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING STEPS......... Click on the three lines that are shown on the home page of our blog in top left..... Then click on follow button and show your love to Coding....... ............ If you love coding ..... If you love computer programmes.... If you love our codes....... If you love our blog.. ................................ Then only to show to love among all th...

Codes for drawing smiley face in python

Before you read section # you can follow us by  Clicking here   Draw smiling face emoji using Turtle in Python Prerequisite: Python Turtle Basics Turtle is an inbuilt module in Python. It provides drawing using a screen (cardboard) and turtle (pen). To draw something on the screen, we need to move the turtle. To move turtle, there are some functions i.e forward(), backward(), etc. In this article, we will see how to draw a smiling face emoji using the Turtle module. 1.)To draw Smile face : Following steps are used : Import turtle. Make objects. Draw a circle and fill yellow color. Draw eyes with two circles and fill white and black color respectively. Draw circle for nose and fill black color. Draw semi circle for mouth. Draw semi circle for tongue and fill red color . Below is the implementation : # Python program to draw smile  # face emoji using turtle import turtle   # turtle object pen = turtle.Turtle()   # function for creation of eye def eye(col, rad): ...

Codes for drawing Google logo in python

 Codes for drawing Google logo in python by using turtle graphics...    We can draw many logo in python  by using codes... Python is a CUI....BASED...... SO, TODAY WE ARE GOING TO KNOW HOW TO DRAW GOOGLE LOGO IN PYTHON ............... BEFORE READING THIS......SECTION........... ____________________________________________ You can copy these codes. You can follow our blog by  Clicking here You can do comment If you have some query. _____________________________________________ Codes starts from here import turtle #get the instance of turtle t=turtle.Turtle() #select color t.color('#4285F4','#4285F4') ## RBG value of color #change the pen size t.pensize(5) #change the drawing speed t.speed(3) t.forward(120) t.right(90),50) ## first circle for red color t.color('#0F9D58'),100) t.color('#F4B400'),60) t.color('#DB4437','#DB4437') t.begin_fill(),100) t.right(90) t.forward(50) t.right(90) ...

Codes for drawing free fire logo in python

Codes for drawing free fire logo in python by using turtle graphics. #follow us #real coder  Codes starts from here. import turtle turtle.bgcolor('black') turtle.pencolor('white') turtle.speed(0) turtle.up() turtle.bk(600) turtle.down() turtle.fillcolor('white') turtle.begin_fill() turtle.fd(200) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(120) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(40) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(80) turtle.fd(40) turtle.fd(80) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(40) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(80) turtle.fd(80) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(40) turtle.end_fill() turtle.up() turtle.bk(140) turtle.down() turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(200) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(80),180) turtle.fd(100) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(40) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(110) turtle.seth(270) turtle.fd(90) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(40) turtle.end_fill() turtle.up() turtle.bk(40) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(140) turtle.down() turtle.fillcolor(...

How to draw PUBG logo in python

 Drawing PUBG logo by using turtle graphics ... Codes for drawing PUBG logo in python Codes are:- import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() turtle.bgcolor("black") t.color("white") def rect():     t.pensize(9)     t.forward(170)     t.left(45)     t.forward(6)     t.left(45)     t.forward(170)     t.left(45)     t.forward(6)     t.left(45)     t.forward(330)     t.left(45)     t.forward(6)     t.left(45)     t.forward(170)     t.left(45)     t.forward(6)     t.left(45)     t.forward(170) def four_corner_lines():     t.pensize(12)     t.penup()     t.forward(180)     t.left(90)     t.forward(35)     t.left(90)     t.pendown()     t.forward(12)     t.penup()     t.forward(344)     t.pendown()     ...

Codes for drawing Spiderman in python

 Codes starts from here from turtle import * speed(13) # Painting speed control bgcolor("#990000") pensize(10) penup() goto(0,50) pendown() circle(-120) penup() circle(-120,-60) pendown() pensize(5) right(50) circle(70,55) right(85) circle(75,58) right(90) circle(70,55) right(90) circle(70,58) # body penup() pensize(10) goto(80,15) pendown() seth(92) fd(135) seth(125) circle(30,135) seth(190) fd(50) seth(125) circle(30,135) seth(275) fd(90) # Arm 1 penup() pensize(10) goto(92,-150) seth(240) pendown() fd(80) left(10) circle(-28,185) # Arm 2 penup() goto(0,50) seth(0) pensize(10) circle(-120,-60) seth(200) pendown() fd(72) left(20) circle(30,150) left(20) fd(20) right(15) fd(10) pensize(5) fillcolor("#3366cc") begin_fill() seth(92) circle(-120,31) seth(200) fd(45) left(90) fd(52) end_fill() fd(-12) right(90) fd(40) penup() right(90) fd(18) pendown() right(86) fd(40) penup() goto(-152,-86) pendown() left(40) circle(35,90) # Body coloring penup() goto(-80,116) seth(10)...